When you throw a touch of shade towards your daughter in a conversation and just as you’re silently wondering if she caught it, she says: I caught that and I’m not about to address that with you.
Sigh😩 A child after my own heart.❤️
Did I mention that our youngest son and I are visiting our older son? We are. That’s another story for another day and if I delve into that right now I may just begin boohooing on this beach right now. Not of sadness but joy, gratefulness and praise. So let’s not do that as I just can’t take that emotional toil right now.
Let’s focus on summer. I love to read. Which is interesting because although I started school early and thus learned to read early (my first book to read was Pug) it was a struggle. I remember many tears shed as my mother was working with me on phonetics. Which by the way - no 4 year old even knows what phonetics are. 😩 Bless my mom’s frustrated heart! Looking back on it now I know I wore her out! Sorry mom! But the fruits of her labor more than paid off! When my parents’ friends came over I would show off my reading skills and read to them. They must have been bored out of their minds- but they always oohed and ahhed. I loved the attention and seeing my mom smile as I read. She took me to the library often and that was a practice that continued even after my parents divorced and my mom moved to Texas from Louisiana. I could never have enough books. College found me still reading for leisure and as a young married woman, I joined a book subscription service to feed my healthy addiction. And then life: kids, career, schedules, sports, etc. All this grown up stuff was cramping my literary style! Life has mellowed a bit - or perhaps I’ve learned to manage my time better and take some time out for “me”. I don’t read as often as I like - but I can still devour a good sized novel in a weekend. With my profession, reading is a good way to continue to stretch my mind. This little gem here was given to me by my current superintendent. During the school year I must confess I have only had moments to skim it. But now that I have the time, this beach, this cabana, and this delicious ice-cold lemonade I’m all in! What’s rewarding is that although I only skimmed the book while school was in, I can recall specific events from the year where principles from this book were applied. YES! Here’s to getting this baby finished before I return to Texas. If I’ve said it once I’ve said it 1000 times: If you want to test the inner gangster of a 40+ year old woman - put an Old School Ms. PAC-Man game on the scene. Today my level is 📈! My arms started hurting due to my intensity of playing that game!! I love it! Takes me back to skating rinks, playing video games while we waited for our clothes to wash/dry at laundromats, and all things 80s. I remember when there was a PAC-Man cartoon show that aired on Saturday mornings. I miss Saturday morning cartoons. I miss by homegirl from back in the day - Ms. PAC-Man.🎀
Please don’t take this topic as ungratefulness....But today was my first day back to work. Why did it have to fall on Amazon Prime Day? Thus, I won’t be perusing any deals until well after 9:30 PM CST.😩 Did y’all even save me anything to buy? Is there anything left? The horror of the possibilities.😱
My niece is a student at a local dance studio - The Terrance M Johnson Dance Project. What I LOVE is the founder/director formed this service to provide the arts to underserved populations. I attended their first showcase earlier this summer and yesterday I was able to observe their summer camp for a few hours. They are providing a free, 5 week dance intensive to an underserved area in the Frazier neighborhood of southern Dallas. How do they begin their day? Yoga! Loved it! What I also loved? Driving through the community that grew me up so to speak. Some things have changed, some stayed the same, but the memories and experiences are rich and special to me. I pray that one day the babies who are attending the TMJ summer intensive at the Frazier Revitalization Center will look back on this time the same way I fondly remember my countless summer days at Exline Recreation Center.
Despite my valiant efforts, I still am not bankrupt and we are still not done. And he is still out of control. To be continued..... 🤦🏾♀️ I’m embarrassed to admit it has been 2 years since my last mammogram. No excuses. Glad I went today to partake in this preventative care practice that should be non-negotiable for me.
Every now and then I’ll get in my feelings about my 12 year old not wanting to spend time with me - a very standard and heartbreaking symptom of children growing up. 🥺 Not to forget that I’m competing with his buds awaiting in PS4 limbo for him to virtually join them as they talk trash and compete in Fortnite, 2K and MLB The Show. They take their super created players so seriously. Bless!
Even with the time restraints and gaming curfew I impose on him I know I’m no longer top billing with his free time. So when he asks to play some time of board/family game - even the dreaded Monopoly - I oblige. And then it gets ugly: eminent domain, trying to strong arm me into selling him property I’ve bought so he can own all the properties in a block, pouting when he has to pay a fine or rent, etc. My goodness. I think we lasted an hour 1/2 tonight. Even Waldrick was over it. Our son insisted we leave the pieces in their exact same spot so we tomorrow we’ll be able to pick up where we stopped. I tell you what. I love the time spent. I love my baby. But mama’s trying to go bankrupt in less than 30 minutes tomorrow night! My twins are home for a few days this summer before returning to their freedom-riddled-no parents around to meddle-no one to harass me undergraduate summer lives. I do enjoy these visits. Key word: visits. The morphing that happens while your kids are away at school is a whole other topic. 😳 But I digress.... I promised them a Saturday brunch. On the menu: chicken and waffles. Here’s where the battle begins. My husband has found a hole in the wall establishment (literally y’all - it’s inside of a gas station) that makes these chicken tenders he has fallen head over heels for. I think his entire meal complete with a side and drink is $4. That’s how you know it’s good and I don’t mean that facetiously. So he made sure to get me more seasoning to prepare the chicken for today’s brunch. I’m in the process of seasoning my batter. He reminds me of the additional options I have for seasoning the meat. I hope we make it through this process. If this meat isn’t seasoned just right, I will have to surrender this high role. I JUST made it to the most high ranks of preparing the potato salad for large family functions and anybody southern who knows anything about anything knows that doesn’t happen over night. It takes years - and flapping arms to get to that high ranking status!
AboutThis blog is dedicated to the life, laughs and observations of a 40 something #ForeverSouthernGirl who serves as a wife, mom, campus administrator and wickedly funny human. All stories are true. All matters of unsolicited advice, musings, and anecdotes that can only be achieved from a life lived out loud are mine and mine alone. I am Katrina and welcome to my #TrinaTalk.
April 2020
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