Last night I like many people I know watched the Lifetime movie The Clark Sisters. Oh my word....I think I will be tore up from this one for a while. I have been a fan of the Clark Sisters for YEARS. I can remember going to church growing up and the church I belonged to (Lord's Missionary Baptist Church) had the BEST CHOIR in ALL of Dallas. I would put them up against any choir in the nation and those Garrett Sisters could SING! They would often sing Clark Sisters songs during the offering and I still remember the first time I heard You Brought the Sunshine.
So last night every song I heard and the costumes and hairstyles took me back to my childhood and teen years. I still listen to the Clark Sisters and I love their voices and everything about them. I had previously seen the Unsung episode about them on TV One. But last night. Seeing the relationship between the girls and their mother...That touched me. Motherhood is hard. Mothering strong daughters is hard. I felt every scene and moment from each one's perspective. There are books on parenting but nothing truly prepares you for when your kids that you've centered your life around start pulling away as they try to set their own paths. It hurts. All of a sudden the guidance, expectations, and love wrapped in wisdom is received differently. Sometimes with resentment. The children that once didn't want you out of their sight now prefer to be out of yours. All I can say is well done Dr. Mattie Moss Clark. She was a ground breaker in the Church of God in Christ. Instilled excellence in her girls. She had some awesome lines in the movie. Her face beaming in the hospital scene of her 3 girls present and her pride in their voices and accomplishments touched me. When she told them they were better than her - eww chile. Took me O-W-T! We don't get do-overs. We do the best we can at all costs. Those girls adored and cherished their mom the way they knew how and that's what she gave them as well. So much was sacrificed and generations will continue to blessed because of their impact in the world of gospel. As for the motherhood navigation....*Sigh*
AboutThis blog is dedicated to the life, laughs and observations of a 40 something #ForeverSouthernGirl who serves as a wife, mom, campus administrator and wickedly funny human. All stories are true. All matters of unsolicited advice, musings, and anecdotes that can only be achieved from a life lived out loud are mine and mine alone. I am Katrina and welcome to my #TrinaTalk.
April 2020
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